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So you’re interested in

Private 1-on-1 Wellness Coaching

"Let’s fill in the gaps in the health care system with health coaching!

Elevate Every Moment, Empower Every Day!"


My name is

... Coach to empower and cultivate lifelong habits and ​harness the power of knowledge. This enables my clients to ​seamlessly transfer benefits from their physical and mental ​well-being to their everyday lives, fostering success and ​healthy habits.


Emily Anderson

corporate Wellness consulting
Emily Anderson

and I

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A little about me...

I have my Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science and a Concentration in Exercise ​Physiology. I graduated with both Honors and Magna Cum Laude Honors. My hobbies ​include exercise in the gym, tennis, reading and furthering my wellness business.


100% Remote Online ​Programming through ​Secure App Software

Practice Better is my comprehensive ​software platform I use to manage ​client appointments, track progress, ​streamline communication, and ​programming.

Why People Prefer Me:


Visual Models for ​Nutritional Suggestions

I integrate the Precision Nutrition ​hand model into my programming for ​macronutrient tracking. This model ​uses hand portions (palms for protein, ​fists for vegetables, cupped hands for ​carbs, and thumbs for fats) to ​estimate serving sizes , rather than ​having my client count calories.

Personalized Plans

1-on-1 clients receive personalized ​plans that cater to their individual ​needs and levels. Options include ​exercise, nutrition suggestions, ​stretching, stress, time ​management, goal setting, sleep, ​etc.



What Does My 1-on-1 Wellness Services ​Include?

  • 100% Remote 1-on-1 Coaching for 6 Month Phases
    • 3-Day Food and Sleep Journal for assessment
    • Offerings based on need: Nutrition suggestions, exercise plan, stress ​management, sleep, stretching, etc.
    • Coaching is 100% personalized and works along with clients limitations for them ​to come back stronger than ever.
    • Monthly resources based on progression
    • Text communication for check-ins or for questions as needed
    • Full access to my Practice Better Software for programming and communication
    • Virtual Meeting (phone call or video call) 1-2x per month


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Does Wellness Have a Worth?

After having a small glimpse into what I can offer, ​how much is your wellness worth?


Investment Structure

  • Investing in a health coaching service is an investment in your health, wellbeing, ​and longevity. Having a dedicated coach by your side for accountability, resources, ​and expert guidance can be a game changer in your journey towards better health.
  • Hire me to fill the gaps in the health care system with my personalized private 1-on-1 ​health coaching.

Contact me for pricing for your specific needs


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Emily Anderson

Owner/Corporate Wellness Consultant


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Thank you for your time!

Still not sure if it is worth the investment? Read the testimonials attached.

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invest in the wellness of ​your workforce for a ​stronger and Healthier ​workplace

-Emily Anderson

corporate Wellness consulting
Emily Anderson
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Remote from Appleton, WI

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